Friday, June 15, 2007

School, Vacation and Black Tea

Well it is offical...I have been accepted into the Organizational Leadership program at Regent University! Whew! Three years of homework here I come. But luckily, I have a lot of time on my hands here. I am really excited about this oppurtunity to learn and I'm excited for the oppurtunities this degree will bring to me in the future. It seems strange to think that this is really happening. It was something I never even thought of doing until a short while ago. So here I go into a new adventure trusting that Christ will help me through!
Something else that is official is that as of 4:30 this afternoon I am on vacation! I will be flying into the sunny state of California in about 28 hours. I can't wait! There is lots of fun in store as I am seeing lots of fun people! I can't wait for this as I left California over a year ago and haven't been back since. The only downside is that I have to wake up at 4:30 a.m. to drive to Atlanta to catch my flight, but that is where the black tea comes in! I'll be making a huge mug of that tomorrow with lots of sugar!
I hope that this finds you all weel enjoying the month of June. It's beautiful out so go and have an adventure!

1 comment:

sara said...

Yay! We're in the same program now!